




MBS Value Partners

明升体育m88. (纳斯达克:ICFI), 为政府和商业客户提供咨询服务和技术解决方案的领先供应商, 该公司公布了截至9月30日的第三季度和九个月的业绩, 2015.


“Third quarter results support our expectations for substantially improved performance in the second half of this year compared to the first half,” ICF国际主席兼首席执行官Sudhakar Kesavan. “Year-on-year revenue growth was driven by a significant increase in commercial revenues and benefited from positive growth in U.S. 联邦政府事务.  经营盈利能力的大幅改善源于我们业务的更高利用率.  不包括特殊费用,调整后的EBITDA利润率为10.本季度的增长率为8%,是过去七年来的最高水平.

“我们的数字服务集团, 我们最近把它改名为ICF Olson, 由ICF的传统商业和州及地方数字服务业务以及Olson, 是我们在2014年收购的吗. ICF Olson是我们第三季度收入和EBITDA增长的主要贡献者, 它的商业收入占我们总商业收入的42%.  第三季度,我们在多个明升体育m88赢得了30个新客户, reflecting the collaboration of the creative and analytical strengths of Olson with ICF’s existing technology implementation capabilities.  Recent wins and the improvement in ICF Olson’s business development pipeline indicate similar revenue and EBITDA performance in the fourth quarter of this year and set the stage for growth in 2016.

“在第三季度,我们的美国经济增长.S. 联邦政府业务表现良好. 收入略有增长, 这是我们三年多来报告的最好的季度比较. 同时, 我们成功地赢得了大量合同,为ICF在2016年的持续增长奠定了基础.  特别值得注意的是涉及数字服务组件的联邦奖励的合同价值, 这表明我们的政府客户群对这些资格的需求强劲吗. 州和地方政府的收入在第三季度有所下降, 导致今年迄今为止的表现与去年大致持平. 按固定汇率计算, 国际政府收入估计增长了11%, 尽管欧盟的某些项目推迟了.  由于美元的升值.S. 美元兑外币, 尤其是欧元, 英镑和加元, 报告的国际政府收入比去年第三季度下降了5%,” Mr. Kesavan指出.

2015年第三季度营收为289美元.0万,9.比264美元上涨了1%.2014年第三季度的数据为800万. 服务收入2 增加12.6%至216美元.400万年. 毛利率扩大至38%.从37%降至5%.2014年第三季度为3%.  调整后EBITDA为31美元.100万美元,EBITDA为30美元.100万美元,利润率为10美元.8%和10%.分别为4%. 非公认会计准则每股收益为0美元.75 /股. 报告净利润为11美元.500万美元,或0美元.摊薄后每股0.59美元,包括0.99美元.与国际办事处关闭和遣散费有关的特别费用为每股02美元.


积压是2美元.从2015年第三季度末的1亿美元增长到2000亿美元.去年第三季度末,该公司亏损额为90亿美元. 资金积压为9.16亿美元,占总数的47%. 2015年第三季度授予的合同总价值为4.65亿美元. 2015年前9个月,授予ICF的合同总价值为1美元.10亿,增加了6亿.1美元减去3%.而2014年同期则为4040亿美元.


来自商业客户的收入增加了35%.第三季度为101美元,涨幅5%.与去年第三季度相比,下降了900万美元,占总收入的35%. 数字服务占商业收入的42%. 包括能源效率在内的能源市场占商业收入的32%.



第三季度,ICF在全球获得了700多个商业项目. 这些奖项包括:

  • A $4.2 million contract with a multi-national package delivery company to provide content management support for marketing efforts. 
  • A $3.5 million contract with a major medical research organization to help improve outcomes for transitioning veterans.
  • A $1.8 million contract with a leading maker of residential and commercial access control products for business-to-business e-commerce solutions in support of sales.
  • 两份合同共计1美元.800万美元与一家国际汽车公司合作,支持通讯项目.
  • A $1.与美国西南部一所医学院签订了价值500万美元的合同.S. 为品牌活动提供数字支持.
  • A $1.5 million contract with an international chemical company to provide strategic management and communications consulting.
  • A $1.5 million contract with a major nationwide financial services company to provide strategic communications consulting support.
  • 两份合同共计1美元.5 million with a nationwide technology and industrial company to provide digital program support for management.
  • 与公用事业客户签订的两份合同总计1美元.300万美元用于环境规划和能源组合评估.
  • A $1.与一家私人投资公司签订了价值200万美元的合同,在美国西部进行环境影响研究.S.
  • A contract valued at more than $1 million with a real estate investment trust to design and implement the company’s Web-based content management platform. 
  • 该公司与美国东北部一家大型能源公司签订了一份价值100万美元的合同.S. 支持商业、工业和住宅能效工作. 
  • A $1 million contract with an international airline based in Asia to provide digital marketing communications support.

Other notable commercial awards included a total of two contracts with two international hotel companies to support their loyalty programs and a contract to provide digital content management support for an international home improvement company.


  • U.S. 联邦政府财政收入增加了6%.6%至141美元.400万年 in the third quarter and accounted for 49 percent of total revenue compared to 53 percent in last year’s third quarter.
  • U.S. 州和地方政府收入下降.占总营收的9%, 而去年同期为11%.
  • 国际政府收入下降.在报告的基础上增长7%, 按固定汇率计算,哪一项估计增长了11%, 占总收入的7%, 低于去年第三季度的8%.


ICF获得了100多个美国奖项.S. 联邦政府合同和任务订单,以及数百份来自其他美国公司的额外合同.S. 州政府,地方政府和国际政府. 这些奖项包括:

额外的州和地方政府奖励100万美元或更多,其中包括与美国西部航空公司的合同.S. 美国东北部的一个大州将支持防洪安全工作和能源效率项目.S. 研究商业建筑及其相关的能源使用情况.

Awards of more than $1 million from international governments included a contract to support the government of Malaysia in the development of its maritime ports sector, a contract with a European executive body to provide strategic communications and marketing support for a major tourism campaign and a contract with the European Union to provide strategic communications support for a waste management program.


“第三季度的业绩显示,营收同比大幅增长. 更重要的是, we were able to achieve profitability levels that aligned with our expectations for EBITDA margin and reflected the increased utilization we had anticipated.  根据我们目前的能见度, 我们预计第四季度的业绩将与上一季度相比具有可比性, as the roll-out of new contracts and the greater mix of commercial projects offset the seasonality of our 联邦政府事务.

具体来说,我们预计2015年全年营收约为1美元.1400亿美元,非公认会计准则每股收益3  从2美元起.65 to $2.70和调整后的EPS4  从2美元起.10 to $2.15.  我们预计第四季度EBITDA利润率至少为10%.5%,全年经营现金流超过9000万美元.

“Recent contract awards and pipeline activity have positioned ICF for organic growth in 2016 across our key markets and we expect to be able to achieve an EBITDA margin in the range of 10 percent to 10.在更高的利用率和收入增长的推动下,今年将达到5%. Kesavan指出.


1EBITDA,调整后EBITDA和非gaap每股收益是非gaap衡量标准. A reconciliation for all non-GAAP references is set forth below the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income table.
2服务收入是非公认会计准则衡量标准. A reconciliation for all non-GAAP references is set forth below the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income table.
3排除了17美元.200万的无形资产摊销,增加了0美元.稀释后每股收益为54美元, 以及与收购有关的费用, 办公室关闭及遣散, 税后净额.
4不包括与购置有关的费用以及办公室关闭和遣散费的特别费用, 税后净额.


明升体育m88. 2015年第三季度综合收益合并报表

明升体育m88. 2015年第三季度合并资产负债表

明升体育m88. 2015年第三季度合并现金流量表

明升体育m88. 和子公司补充计划2015年第三季度


ICF (纳斯达克:ICFI)是一家全球领先的咨询和技术服务提供商,000名专业人士专注于为客户创造更大的可能性. 我们是商业分析师, 政策专家, 技术人员, 研究人员, 数字战略家, 社会科学家和创意者. 自1969年以来, government and commercial clients have worked with ICF to overcome their toughest challenges on issues that matter profoundly to their success. 来和我们联系吧


Statements that are not historical facts and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties are "forward-looking statements" as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. 这些陈述可能与我们目前对未来结果的预期有关, 计划, 经营和前景,并涉及一定的风险, including those related to the government contracting industry generally; our particular business, 包括我们对美国合同的依赖.S. 联邦政府 agencies; and our ability to acquire and successfully integrate businesses. These and other factors that could cause our actual results to differ from those indicated in forward-looking statements are included in the "Risk Factors" section of our securities filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 本协议中包含的前瞻性陈述仅在本协议生效之日作出, 我们明确声明不承担将来更新这些陈述的任何义务.