





  • 总收入增长了4%,达到2.84亿美元, 联邦政府收入增长了7%
  • 非gaap EPS1为0美元.60, up 11 Percent Year-on-Year; Diluted EPS Was $0.50,同比增长25%
  • Contract Awards Were $318 Million, 19 Percent Ahead of Last Year; TTM Contract Awards Were $1.40亿美元的订单对账单比率为1.21
MBS Value Partners

明升体育m88. (纳斯达克:ICFI), a leading provider of professional services and technology-based solutions to government and commercial clients, 报告了截至3月31日的第一季度业绩, 2016.


“Our first quarter performance puts us on track to meet our expectations for solid revenue growth and significantly higher earnings in 2016,ICF国际主席兼首席执行官Sudhakar Kesavan说. “利润以两位数的速度增长,超过了收入的增长, 从较低的管理费用和减少的摊销成本中获益.

“第一季度的收入增长是受到联邦政府业务强劲增长的推动, 在过去的三个季度中,我们看到的同比增长是积极的. Revenues from energy and digital interactive services performed for commercial and state and local clients, 是否超过了8000万美元,与去年持平. Year-on-year comparisons for total commercial revenues primarily reflected the anticipated reduction in certain energy and infrastructure contracts and currency impacts.

“这是赢得合同的绝佳季度. 此外,总美元价值同比增长近20%, 我们所有客户类别的新业务都实现了两位数的增长. 我们获得了16份能效合同 ICF奥尔森 获得了几个重要的新项目, 为商业收入的同比增长奠定了基础,符合我们的预期. 我们的联邦和国际政府的胜利是强有力的, 反映了我们在广泛的能源领域公认的专业知识, 卫生和数字通信.”

2016年第一季度收入为283美元.6百万,3百万.从273美元上涨了7%.2015年第一季度的数据为500万. 服务收入2 增加了1.0%到212美元.400万年. 息税前利润2  是24美元.800万,代表3.从24美元上涨了0%.2015年第一季度的数据为100万. 息税前利润利润率为8%.两个季度都是8%. 如前所述, 息税前利润 performance was affected by the start-up and implementation phases of certain contracts and the weather-related federal government office closures in January, 导致2016年第一季度息税前利润利润率下降约90个基点. 非公认会计准则每股收益增加了11%.1%到0美元.2016年第一季度为每股60美元,而去年同期为每股0美元.上一年度为54. 报告净利润为9美元.2016年第一季度,该公司将亏损700万美元.摊薄后每股50美元,上涨25美元.从0美元变成0美元.去年摊薄后每股40美元.


总积压额为1美元.2016年第一季度末,该公司市值为90亿美元. 资金积压为8.57亿美元,约占总数的44%. The total value of contracts awarded in the 2016 first quarter was $318 million compared to $266 million for the same period for the prior fiscal year. 过去12个月的合同金额为1美元.40亿美元的账面与账单比率为1.21.


  • U.S. 联邦政府收入增加.6%至137美元.第一季度的销售额为300万美元,占总营收的49%, 而去年第一季度这一比例为47%.
  • U.S. 州和地方政府收入增加.5%,包括4美元.800万的能源和数字互动商业费率项目, 占总收入的11%, 与去年同期的10%相比.
  • 国际政府收入在报告的基础上增长了约1%, 按固定汇率计算,哪一项估计增长了7%, 占总收入的6%, 与去年第一季度的6%相比.


ICF获得了100多个美国奖项.S. federal contracts and task orders and more than 200 additional contracts from state and local governments and international governments. 最大的奖项是:

  • 战略沟通: 一份3200万欧元的合同 支持活动, seminars and training sessions for the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.
  • 数据管理: A $34.700万美元的合同 与美国.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to provide data management support to the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention.
  • 气候变化: A $19.800万的合同 与美国.S. 环境保护局提供技术支持, 经济和公共政策分析,以支持臭氧和温室气体倡议.
  • 环境规划: 两份合同,总共16美元.100万年 with the California Department of 运输 to provide environmental services in support of the maintenance, 发展及兴建拟议的设施.
  • 信息管理: 两份总价值为14美元的任务订单合同.400万年 与美国.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to provide health informatics and information technology support for the Laboratory Response Network.
  • 能源效率: A $12.400万年 subcontract to support clean-energy and energy efficiency programs for a major public utility board in the Eastern U.S.
  • 国际发展: 该公司与美国签订了一份价值600万英镑的合同.K. 政府支持尼日利亚解决贫困问题的努力. 
  • 信息管理: A $5.与美国签订了900万美元的合同.S. Department of State to provide enterprise strategy and management support for the Bureau of Consular Affairs.
  • 项目实施支持: A $3.与美国签订了600万美元的合同.S. 国防部支持其基于网络的军队儿童保育门户网站的全球推广. 
  • 项目支持: A 2.与欧盟委员会签订了600万欧元的合同,以支持气候行动总司.
  • 弹性的解决方案: A $2.与美国签订了200万美元的合同.S. Department of 运输 to provide resilience planning for the Federal Highway Administration’s Office of Planning.
  • 战略沟通: A $2.与美国签订了100万美元的合同.S. National Institutes of Health to provide strategic communications planning and development of state-of-the-art media products.
  • 战略沟通: A 2 million euro contract with the European Commission’s Service for Foreign 政策 Instruments to support the evolving policy agenda on issues arising from Europe 2020.


商业总收入为97美元.600万美元对比101美元.去年第一季度为600万美元. 另外, revenue from energy and digital interactive commercial-rate work performed for state and local government clients was $4.今年第一季度增加了800万,比去年同期增加了40%以上. Revenues from energy and digital interactive services performed for commercial and state and local clients were $80.800万,与去年持平.

数字服务占商业收入的45%. 包括能源效率在内的能源市场占商业收入的32%.


Commercial sales were $14100万年 in the first quarter and ICF was awarded more than 800 commercial projects globally in the period. 最大的奖项是:


  • A $4.为一家国际酒店公司提供价值500万美元的客户忠诚度支持合同. 
  • 四份合同,总价值为4美元.为一家国际食品加工公司提供公关支持.
  • A $3.为一家国际零售商提供价值100万美元的客户忠诚度支持合同.
  • A $1.9 million contract to provide strategic communications consulting support with a major nationwide financial services company. 


  • A $15.700万美元的合同 与俄克拉何马州美国电力公共服务公司合作支持住宅项目, 商业和工业能源效率计划.
  • A $9.200万合同 与威斯康辛州聚焦能源合作,实施一项住宅零售照明和电器计划.
  • An $8.与美国东北部的一个公用事业财团签订了价值600万美元的合同.S. 支持能源效率项目.
  • 与美国中西部一家公用事业公司签订的三份合同总价值为600万美元.S. 支持能源效率项目.
  • 该公司与美国西部一家大型公用事业公司签订了一份价值400万美元的合同.S. 提供环境牌照、许可及合规服务. 
  • A $3.与美国西部一家大型公用事业公司签订了价值200万美元的合同.S. 为节能项目提供支持.
  • A $2.与美国南部一家大型公用事业公司签订了价值100万美元的合同.S. 提供家电回收项目管理.

Other commercial wins with a value of at least $100万年 each included: marketing program management for a medical firm; energy efficiency program management for a major utility in the Southern U.S.; brand management for an international restaurant chain; evaluation, technical assistance and training services for a multinational food manufacturing company; public relations support for an international spirits company; business consulting and technology support for a major insurance payer; brand building for an international beauty industry corporation; and digital programs support for an international sporting events organization.


“ICF’s diversified business portfolio positions us to take advantage of growth opportunities across our government and commercial client base. 6.联邦政府第一季度收入增长6%,为今年开了个好头. Contract and project wins over the last several months have set the stage for high single digit growth in commercial revenues, 全年表现出逐步改善, 哪个会在下半年加速.
“第一季度的业绩支持了我们对2016年全年盈利大幅增长的预期, 受有机收入增长的推动, 商业利率收入的更大混合, 特别是在能源市场和数字互动领域, 更高的利用率. 我们重申期望如下:

  • “2016年全年营收将从1美元到1美元不等.150亿到1美元.190亿,3.比2015年的中点水平高出3%. 
  • 非公认会计准则每股收益为2美元.79 to $2.94,同比增长8.中间点是7%.
  • 稀释后每股收益为2美元.40 to $2.55, or $2.中间价为48美元,较2美元上涨24%.00 in 2015. 
  • “2016年全年的平均息税前利润利润率在10%至10%之间.从9%上升到3%.2015年6%. 
  • “2016年全年运营现金流将在8500万美元至9500万美元之间。. Kesavan得出结论.

收入指导是基于美元和美元之间的汇率.S. 美元、欧元、英镑和加元的汇率与2016年3月1日类似. 每股指引假设加权平均流通股约为19股.全年有效税率不超过38.5%. 

1非公认会计准则每股收益是非公认会计准则衡量标准. A reconciliation for all non-GAAP references is set forth below the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income table.
2服务收入和息税前利润是非公认会计准则衡量标准. A reconciliation for all non-GAAP references is set forth below the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income table.



ICF (纳斯达克:ICFI)是一家全球性的咨询服务公司,500名全职和兼职员工, 但我们不是典型的顾问. 在ICF, 商业分析师和政策专家与数字战略家一起工作, 数据科学家和创意人员. We combine unmatched industry expertise with cutting-edge engagement capabilities to help organizations solve their most complex challenges. 自1969年以来, 公共和私营部门客户与ICF合作,引领变革,塑造未来. 在icf了解更多信息.com.


Statements that are not historical facts and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties are "forward-looking statements" as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. 这些陈述可能与我们目前对未来结果的预期有关, 计划, 经营和前景,并涉及一定的风险, including those related to the government contracting industry generally; our particular business, 包括我们对美国合同的依赖.S. federal government agencies; our ability to acquire and successfully integrate businesses; and the effects of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and related federal, 州和地方政府对我们员工和客户健康的行动和反应, 我们和客户业务的连续性, 我们的经营业绩和展望. These and other factors that could cause our actual results to differ from those indicated in forward-looking statements THAT are included in the "Risk Factors" section of our securities filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 本协议中包含的前瞻性陈述仅在本协议生效之日作出, 我们明确声明不承担将来更新这些陈述的任何义务.